Microbiological Research
Pub Date : 2016-03-09
, DOI:
Silvana Díaz Herrera
Cecilia Grossi
Myriam Zawoznik
María Daniela Groppa
Cátedra de Química Biológica Vegetal, Departamento de Química Biológica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Junín 956, Buenos Aires, Argentina; IQUIFIB, CONICET, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Junín 956, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Cátedra de Química Biológica Vegetal, Departamento de Química Biológica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Junín 956, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
种子内生群落的作用仍然很差。这项工作的目的是调查在阿根廷广泛播种的一种商业小麦品种种子中细菌内生菌的存在,并在其中寻找植物生长促进特征和对禾谷镰刀菌的生物防治能力。按照培养依赖性方案从小麦种子中获得六个分离株。根据它们的16S rRNA测序,将四个分离株分配给Paenibacillus属。唯一的γ-变形菌分离,大概是一个Enterobactereaceae的泛菌属属,作为IAA和铁载体的生产者特别活跃,并且也溶解了磷酸盐,并且是唯一在无氮培养基上生长的植物。这些分离株中有几个表现出抑制F的能力。禾本科植物在大麦和小麦粒双重培养以及生物测定中的生长。对于那些显示出对禾谷镰刀菌具有更大生物防治作用的芽孢杆菌,证实了其在惰性表面上形成生物膜的出色能力,并且将这些分离物中的一种与泛菌分离物一起接种会导致大麦幼苗中的叶绿素含量更高。我们的结果表明,小麦种子内生群落某些组成部分具有巨大的生态潜力。
Wheat seeds harbour bacterial endophytes with potential as plant growth promoters and biocontrol agents of Fusarium graminearum.
The role of endophytic communities of seeds is still poorly characterised. The purpose of this work was to survey the presence of bacterial endophytes in the seeds of a commercial wheat cultivar widely sown in Argentina and to look for plant growth promotion features and biocontrol abilities against Fusarium graminearum among them. Six isolates were obtained from wheat seeds following a culture-dependent protocol. Four isolates were assignated to Paenibacillus genus according to their 16S rRNA sequencing. The only gammaproteobacteria isolated, presumably an Enterobactereaceae of Pantoea genus, was particularly active as IAA and siderophore producer, and also solubilised phosphate and was the only one that grew on N-free medium. Several of these isolates demonstrated ability to restrain F. graminearum growth on dual culture and in a bioassay using barley and wheat kernels. An outstanding ability to form biofilm on an inert surface was corroborated for those Paenibacillus which displayed greater biocontrol of F. graminearum, and the inoculation with one of these isolates in combination with the Pantoea isolate resulted in greater chlorophyll content in barley seedlings. Our results show a significant ecological potential of some components of the wheat seed endophytic community.